Greetings. Hopefully everyone's caught up on a nap or two...
I'm going to write a bit here and there and we can delete my words later on in the process.
So this has been a very quick updating session. You'll see that many of the photo's need some editing. I somehow missed Steph's :(...sorry steph... I think MaryLou may have done some pics too, so maybe we can add her's in. (i can kind of hear you saying, "oh that's okay") but... it would be cool for us to have it to complete the collection.
So to all: let me know if I miss something.
I wrote you all a note down on the next post so...yeah... add to it using that format for now, and we'll swish up our mode of doing so later on.
I wrote you all a note down on the next post so...yeah... add to it using that format for now, and we'll swish up our mode of doing so later on.
Also...MaryLou send me a cool thing to post regarding that lady that embroiders in public places (on the bus seats) etc. so that will be something to add in later on.
Hopefully this will act as a good forum/communication tool over the summer.
Some good R&R, to you all. Kimberley
PS. Check out how tired we all look this past week, hey?