charlene + sarah + randi + joseph + stephanie + kat + sibila + kimberley + jessica + rose marie + liz + peggy + jacqueline + caroline + rose + delah + pat + corinna + margit + emmily + marie
To follow are in some cases "snipets" of the container projects. Some of the photos certainly don't do the ideas/concepts justice, but maybe they will jog your memories of what the themes were about. In the cases where I couldn't remember (or read the titles from the artist's statements)
I left them blank.
-by Stephanie
(in process) - by Rose
Layers of Memory - by Sibila
Piggy Bank Inheritance- by Peggy
Emotional Baggage-by Liz
Quiet Memories from the War-by Margit
Butterfly- by Pat
I wish-by Jacquie
Gypsy Moths-by Jessica
Chromosomes-by Kimberley The Hospital Gown-by Leslie
kimberley, emmily, joseph and sibila jay and anthea celebrate jay's student award at the crafthouse. jay at her opening alumni dallas and browyn pose with kimberley, sibila and corinna at browyn's circle craft award opening.